If you’ve been reading my articles recently, you might think that I have found some kind of truth. That’s an illusion. What is being revealed is that there is absolutely no truth at all. How can there be truth when there is only this, what seems to be happening? For something to be true, there must be something else that is false. But all there is is this, and it’s neither true nor false; it just is.
There’s also nothing that’s right or wrong. For something to be right, it must have a contrasting thing that is wrong, but there is only this, and it is neither right nor wrong. The way we can dream right from wrong is to construct a concept about the polarities. For example, “I am right” or “I am wrong” and this is set in contrast with another concept “She is wrong” or “He is right.” But those thoughts, if they’re happening, are just part of what is happening, which is neither right nor wrong. If there is a dream of separation then there is right and wrong, but in reality, there is just what seems to be happening.
The same can be said about good and bad. What seems to be happening is neither good nor bad; it’s simply what is. For what is happening to be good, there would need to be something else that is bad, but there is nothing else but this; it is whole and complete, seamless and totally inclusive. If something else is “bad” then it can only be a concept. Since there is nothing that is…