Right. My intuitive understanding of neti neti is that everything is neti neti. In other words, nothing it one thing or another. This is the nature of what seems to be happening. Neti neti seems to me to be another label for “reality” or the only thing that seems to be happening. I don’t know if it’s right or fruitful to make a process of neti neti, but I think it may be valuable or interesting to notice that what is happening is neti neti. It’s possible keep noticing that (and it’s neither right nor wrong, neti neti). I’m not sure that it really serves any purpose though, not that anything serves a purpose. What seems to be happening neither serves a purpose or does not serve a purpose (neti neti again). It’s like “nonduality” or “nonseparation” or “brahma;” “neti neti” is just another label for the same only thing.