No. Wholeness may seem to appear as thinking or as writing but there is not something separate from wholeness, a conscious self, that is doing the thinking or the writing; just as there is not something separate, a conscious self, that is doing reading. There is only reading, which is wholeness (everything and nothing) seeming to appear as reading, or typing, or anything else that seems to be happening. There is no split into a subject and an object; that is the illusion of separation, the illusion of consciousness, the illusion of self. What seems to be happening is actually evidence of nonseparable wholeness but it seems to be continually co-opted in the self-reification of the self illusion. The assertion that there is consciousness because there is thinking and/or writing is as nonsensical, and clearly not true, as saying that the red color of the CVS sign is proof of the existence of Santa Claus.