This is the continuation of an earlier conversation between two parts of myself. One part is my “normal” state of consciousness, while the other part is non-duality, what I consider to be God. To answer these questions, I take the non-dual perspective and represent it as clearly as possible in words.
The perspective of the interviewer is a willing, curious investigator inhabiting relatively typical, human-embodied waking consciousness, which I’ll call the Curious Investigator. The perspective of the interviewee is that of non-duality.
Even those this part of the conversation can stand on its own, the original article, part one, which is linked-to at the end of this article, sets the stage. You might want to read that before reading further in this article.
Curious Investigator (CI): Please will you remind me what you are?
Non-Duality (ND): I am everything and nothing. I am all there ever was, is, or will be. I contain everything and everything contains me. I am made of everything and everything is made of me. I am both infinitely large and infinitely small. While all of this is true, it barely begins to describe what I truly am.
CI: You told me before that the human mind is designed to not perceive you. Why is that?