In December of 2001, after meditating for only thirty minutes per day, every day, for four months, I came to know what I understand to be the fundamental nature of reality. I have written a little about it before, and this article is an attempt to address it even more fully.
I will be referring to what in Christianity is called mystical union with God. In the Hindu tradition, it is the true meaning of the word yoga, or union with Brahman, the “single binding unity behind diversity in all that exists in the universe,” according to Wikipedia.
I don’t intend to make this article spiritual or religious. I want for it to be accessible to everyone. Personally, I’m not spiritual or religious in the usual senses of those words. I’m very pragmatic; I’m an engineer with a master’s degree in electrical engineering, and I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. I design technology that works, and I understand the scientific method deeply through personal experience with it. I will include quotes from other mystics because their voices have accompanied me on this lonely 17-year journey of integration. These mystics used old-fashioned terminology and often had to shroud their knowledge in religiously-acceptable conceptual frameworks (to avoid persecution), but they clearly speak of the same reality.